Thursday, January 7, 2010

Doing Nothing

A very learned devotee asked Bhagavan (Ramana Maharshi) a question about the feeling of non-doership in Jnanis.

Bhagavan did not reply directly to the question. Instead, he looked at a little girl of around three (G.V.Subbaramayya's younger daughter) who was playing with all the things on Bhagavan's side-table.

Watching her, as she was busily rearranging and occasionally dropping books, Bhagavan's staff,etc. He asked her what she was doing.

She told Bhagavan, in the manner of all kids, that she was doing nothing. And promptly went back to attacking all the items on the table.

Bhagavan asked her again if she was doing something, and got the same answer.

Bhagavan smilingly told the questioner that this was the essence of Vedanta, i.e., Jnanis, even while outwardly appearing busy, never have the feeling that they are doing anything.

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